For Immediate Release

CEC Corporate Communications,


‘Made in Georgia’, USA - Poised for Success Linking Local to Global

August 8, 2011, Atlanta, Georgia --- The term ‘Made in Georgia, USA’  can now refer to Eco Innovation and Eco Commerce, says Minna LeVine, CEO, Chamber of Eco Commerce, CEC.  Focused on Eco Innovation, CEC is accelerating Eco technology and knowledge transfer through the global ‘Eco Commerce Hub' in Atlanta, Georgia. 

The Eco Commerce Hub is an initiative of the CEC with support from Microsoft Gold Partner NSE. The regional Eco Commerce Hub in Georgia is built on a two-way networking infrastructure between innovators and investors. The hub facilitates cooperation and business development, reducing risks inherent for early-middle stage companies that are ready to expand globally. Each hub links to and benefits from the eco commerce community infrastructure present worldwide, establishing each region as a local hub with access to the other hubs for collaboration and connection to larger markets globally. 

Like other regional hubs, the Atlanta hub provides easy and fast access to affordable hands-on advisory and soft landing services, which include referrals, fund raising assistance, shared office and manufacturing space, meeting rooms, administrative help, business equipment, financial and technical expertise, IT support, marketing and PR assistance, and other services that help defer the need for heavy investment when a company is getting started.

LeVine, first founded H2OAlliance in 2006 to respond to the fast growing technology needs for major water challenges worldwide. After years of successful initiatives, LeVine decided to expand to Eco technology. “At that time, it became evident that small Eco Innovators could offer solutions to major challenges. Recognizing  a significant opportunity; CEC was created to focus on bringing new technology and knowledge to market.

The Atlanta 'Hub' also acts as a one-stop gateway for businesses from outside of Georgia that are seeking access to the US or global market. Businesses active in the wider global hub can access the local network of Preferred Service Providers (PSP), who can advise on market entry. PSPs generally include companies, R&D institutions, universities, public authorities and economic development agencies. Together, they can assist companies in setting up their offices, operations, and facilities in local hubs. 

CEC’s unique portfolio of Companies and Projects, truly sets the CEC stakeholders, SMEs, and entrepreneurs apart from the competition. The global Eco Commerce Hub was ‘Made in Georgia’, by CEC and with cooperation from Microsoft experts, to accelerate eco technology and knowledge transfer worldwide. The CEC transforms innovation to business and jobs encouraging sustainability among stakeholders, while supporting MEs and global organizations. 

Additional efforts by CEC to promote access to finance include the expansion to the US and international capital markets through Atlanta and New York Hubs in the USA, and overseas Hubs across the EU and Asia. Under CEC’s innovative leadership, CEC can  make a significant impact on the local economy, bringing new companies and jobs to the local hubs. “In the last year alone we have established new Eco Commerce Hubs in the Americas, EU and BRIC countries, and the goals for the next year promise to add new regional Eco Commerce Hubs across continents, which expands our presence significantly”, adds LeVine. 

These achievements are the hallmarks of entrepreneurial leadership, with the spirit of bringing local jobs back.  Reflecting on CEC’s the success of ‘Made in Georgia’, LeVine remarks, “CEC can take pride in what we have achieved and our stakeholders in Georgia and around the world can take pride in building their local Eco Commerce Hubs learning how they can transfer eco innovation locally and serve innovators, investors, and customers globally”.

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Eco Commerce Hub

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The global Eco Commerce Hub is open for business and ready to serve the needs of eco-commerce innovators worldwide. The global group consists of eco commerce leaders including technology and finance experts with an established physical and virtual presence. The result of years of work and investment, three entities have been specifically created to drive innovation to the market.  These include: An Advisory Program bringing strategy, consulting and discovery of innovation in the market; Financial Alliance bringing seed capital; finance expertise, and investor relations; Ready to launch web-based Eco Commerce Hubs bringing platforms, process, and expertise to enable commercialization.

It is easy to get started. A turnkey process has been created to on-board companies and organizations with their own private-based hub to enable local and global collaboration. Contact CEC to find out how to engage and sign-up.